Home News & Events Participation in the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation Planning Workshop (Brussels)
Participation in the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation Planning Workshop (Brussels)

Participation in the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation Planning Workshop (Brussels)

21 - 22 January 2015

EIP members contributed to the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC) Planning Workshop, which took place in Brussels on 21-22 January 2015, on issues related to institutions and capacities, domestic resource mobilisation and the use of country systems.

Participants of the workshops stressed the need for an honest forum/safe space to debate and discuss issues related to use of country systems and welcomed the piloting of Country Dialogues on Using and Strengthening Local Systems, in the framework of the EIP. Participants also underlined the need for having a clearer picture of political economy of Public Sector Reforms (PSR) and of the stakeholders involved (including at regional level) and to deepen the notion of capacity development in the context of PSR.

They welcomed the creation of EIP Learning Alliances on PSR, following a peer to peer approach. Participants also expressed the need for increased aid to tax issues, strengthened capacities of tax administrations as well as more knowledge sharing/South-South cooperation in the area of tax and beyond (innovative financing, illicit financial flows, etc.).