Home News & Events Final High-Level Meeting of the post-2015 Dialogue on Implementation on Strengthening Capacities and Building Effective Institutions (Moldova)
Final High-Level Meeting of the post-2015 Dialogue on Implementation on Strengthening Capacities and Building Effective Institutions (Moldova)

Final High-Level Meeting of the post-2015 Dialogue on Implementation on Strengthening Capacities and Building Effective Institutions (Moldova)

25 - 26 February 2015

EIP members participated in the Final High-Level Meeting of the post-2015 Dialogue on Implementation on Strengthening Capacities and Building Effective Institutions, which took place in Chisinau, Moldova on 25-26 February 2015.

Participants discussed the importance of innovation for transforming institutions and measuring progress; building trust through greater inclusion and participation as well as the fostering economic resilience, in view of the implementation of the future Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Participants also agreed on a Chisinau Outcome Statement on Strengthening Capacities and Building Effective Institutions for the Implementation of the United Nations Post-2015 Development Agenda, reaffirming, amongst others, their commitment to cooperate and engage through multilateral, regional, bilateral and public-private partnership initiatives aiming at exchanging experiences and best practices in the area of effective institutions and capacity development.

For more information and to download the country reports, please visit the World We Want 2015 site.