Home News & Events Participation in the Global Workshop of the ‘Initiative to Pilot Illustrative Work on Governance in the context of the SDGs’ (Tunisia)
Participation in the Global Workshop of the ‘Initiative to Pilot Illustrative Work on Governance in the context of the SDGs’ (Tunisia)

Participation in the Global Workshop of the ‘Initiative to Pilot Illustrative Work on Governance in the context of the SDGs’ (Tunisia)

15 - 16 April 2015

The EIP Joint Secretariat participated in the Global Workshop of the ‘Initiative to Pilot Illustrative Work on Governance in the context of the SDGs’ which was hosted by the Government of Tunisia on 15-16 April.

The initiative aims at illustrating the feasibility and measurability of the targets proposed by the Open Working Group in the proposed Goal 16. During the workshop, pilot countries (Albania, Indonesia, Rwanda and Tunisia) presented the work they have undertaken under the first (design) phase of the initiative (definition of feasible goals, targets and indicators).

Participants also discussed issues related to (1) inclusive and participatory approaches to governance for sustainable development; (2) strategic planning for sustainable development; (3) governance effectiveness in development delivery; and (4) new approaches to measuring governance. 

A final report will describe all activities and lessons learned and will be published in advance of the SDG Summit in September 2015.