Home News & Events Preparatory Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Learning Alliances (Singapore)
Preparatory Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Learning Alliances (Singapore)

Preparatory Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Learning Alliances (Singapore)

Apr. 24, 2015

Government officials from Bhutan, Maldives, and Vietnam attended a one-day Preparatory Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Learning Alliances. Hosted by the EIP Joint Secretariat on April 24 in Singapore, the workshop offered an opportunity to reflect and feedback on the draft paper, ‘Mapping peer learning initiatives in public sector reforms in development’ and the associated draft Toolkit.

The preparatory workshop also provided an opportunity for participants to offer their views on important design considerations when thinking about a possible Learning Alliance. Nick Manning joined the workshop remotely to discuss key takeaways from the Mapping.