Home News & Events Third EIP Annual Meeting (Singapore)
Third EIP Annual Meeting (Singapore)

Third EIP Annual Meeting (Singapore)

17 - 18 November 2015

Singapore Annual Meeting 1The Effective Institutions Platform held its third annual meeting on 17-18 November 2015 in Singapore. The meeting brought together 40 members, from over 35 countries, with participation from both low income and middle income countries, including representatives from oversight institutions, civil society, finance ministries, civil service commissions and development partners.

Tweet 1The meeting marked a turning point for the Platform in enabling participants to identify common challenges in strengthening public sector institutions and exchanging ideas on how to face them, laying out the Platform’s priorities for the year to come.

Members expressed strong interest and demand for peer learning activities on topics such as strengthening accountability eco-systems, making institutions more inclusive, encouraging motivation in the public sector and understanding what Sustainable Development Goal 16 means at the country level.

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