Home News & Events Meeting of EIP Champions (Seoul)
Meeting of EIP Champions (Seoul)

Meeting of EIP Champions (Seoul)

4 - 5 December 2013

Réunions des chefs de file de la PIE (Séoul)

A meeting of the EIP champions took place on 4-5 December in Seoul, Korea, where representatives from those countries and organisations leading the five substantive pillars as well as other interested EIP members met in order to review progress on priority projects since the last meeting of the EIP in February 2013 and agree on a set of concrete strategic proposals from each of the pillars (such as the launch of learning alliances on public sector reform, the launch of a marketplace for Indicators on Public Sector Management, the establishment of a process to support country dialogues on the use of country systems at country level, etc.).

Another objective of the EIP champions meeting was to define an engagement strategy towards contributing to high level global processes such as the High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership on Effective Development Cooperation to be held in Mexico in April 2014 and the post-2015 agenda as they relate to public sector institutions.