P2P Learning and Partnerships in Civil Service Reforms
Formerly known as the National School of Government International (NSGI), the Government Partnerships International (GPI) was launched in 2018 by the UK government to provide peer-to-peer support to partner governments overseas and to help them deliver better public services to citizens. This work supports UK government objectives in fragile and developing countries by increasing the impact of aid interventions and helping to build effective institutions.
In February 2018, GPI and EIP jointly organised a peer learning event that brought together experts and practitioners with experience related to pear learning, to discuss the politics of public sector reform and the role of peer-to-peer learning in building effective institutions in the context on Agenda 2030. Ensuing from that meeting was a Policy paper taking stock of the status and trends of peer learning, and bringing out common principles on P2P learning and partnerships.
The GPI has several cases of successful P2P learning alliances on various topics and has now launched a Community of Practice of UK government departments and external practitioners using peer-to-peer learning across the UKs priority countries. A snapshot presentation of what the GPI is about can be found here.