Home News & Events Second EIP Annual Meeting and EIP Advisory Group Meeting (Paris)
Second EIP Annual Meeting and EIP Advisory Group Meeting (Paris)

Second EIP Annual Meeting and EIP Advisory Group Meeting (Paris)

28 - 29 October 2014

Deuxième réunion annuelle de la PIE et réunion du Groupe consultatif de la PIE (Paris)

The Effective Institutions Platform held its annual meeting from 28-29 October 2014 in Paris. Over 100 participants from 50 different countries and institutions met to review progress in the current workstreams of the EIP including on indicators of public sector reform, accountable and inclusive institutions, and the use of country systems.

Members of the EIP agreed to pilot and implement Learning Alliances on Public Sector Reform as an alternative to more traditional approaches in support of reform efforts and develop a practical methodology for peer learning. Members also discussed practical ways of engaging with the Global Partnership and the post 2015 processes.