Home News & Events Workshop on Public Service Excellence and the Post-2015 Development Agenda (Singapore)
Workshop on Public Service Excellence and the Post-2015 Development Agenda (Singapore)

Workshop on Public Service Excellence and the Post-2015 Development Agenda (Singapore)

17 - 19 November 2014

Atelier sur l’excellence du Service public et le Programme de développement pour l’après-2015 (Singapour)

The UNDP Global Centre of Public Service Excellence hosted a workshop on ‘Public Service Excellence and the Post-2015 Development Agenda’ in Singapore on 17-19 November which launched the Centre’s cooperation with the Effective Institutions Platform.

The meeting brought together experts and practitioners, including government officials, networks/NGOs/think tanks, bilateral agencies and multilateral organisations, to (1) consider the research, evidence and knowledge needs of the post-2015 public service reform agenda; (2) explore alternative futures of the public service in 2030, and (3) agree on learning topics for the establishment of Learning Alliances on Public Sector Reform between EIP members and/or GCPSE stakeholders.

Recommendations for action at the meeting included undertaking structured peer learning on public sector reform, through the Effective Institutions Platform (with the support of the UNDP-OECD Co-Secretariat) and exploring how the effectiveness of public institutions can be better measured to support the intent of draft Sustainable Development Goal 16.