EIP Learning Event #3: Unleashing local capabilities through P2P learning
The third EIP learning event will explore the features and conditions under which peer-to-peer (P2P) learning may help unleash existing capabilities and support the diffusion of local learning as part of institutional reform efforts.
The need to adapt external lessons to local contexts is typically implicit in P2P learning. The process of comparing, contrasting and testing new ideas between peers as equals, rather than having solutions imposed from more powerful external partners, can contribute to the emergence of local innovation and experimental problem-solving. P2P learning, when successful, can also trigger local leadership, ownership and agency. By incorporating and diffusing local knowledge, capabilities are not ‘infused’ from the outside, but rather ‘unleashed’ through a process of internal identification and negotiation, and external validation.
Drawing on insights from a range of P2P experiences, experts and practitioners will exchange on strategies to identify and diffuse locally embedded knowledge and capabilities, and the role of MEL in tracking and contributing to such processes, as part of public sector reform efforts. Questions to be discussed will include the following:
- What are the features of good P2P practices that might enable rather than suppress, supplant or replace local capabilities in the context of ongoing reform or social change processes?
- Under what conditions can P2P learning approaches and mechanisms support local ownership, agency and leadership as part of institutional reform efforts?
- How could P2P approaches be designed to trigger local innovation and experimentation?
- How can these processes be better documented, guided and built upon using MEL tools and approaches?
To register for the event, please email effectiveinstitutions@oecd.org
Insights from the event will feed into a dedicated EIP Learning Note on the theme of ‘localised learning’, a draft version of which is available here.
The draft agenda is available here.
The learning event series builds on and informs the EIP’s ongoing work to develop tools and approaches with a view to improve monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) in P2P initiatives. The initial lessons and insights derived from EIP members are outlined in the report “Lessons Harvesting – Learning from P2P Engagements”.